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travel journal

usually running across 4 - 6 weeks
on a Friday evening

Short Courses are designed for beginners to a particular craft or skill, and those who would like to explore it at a slower and more extended pace (compared to my 3-hour "intro to" workshops). In particular, my Short Courses are designed to go off-script meaning we can customise and tailor your designs if you want to. The Courses take place on a Friday evening in my studio cabin in 90 minute sessions, with the aim that they help you wind down at the end of the week. By completing a short course, you will develop the fundamental skills and knowledge to continue exploring the process in your own time, and may find the follow-on 3 hour workshops a good place to start.

3 hour thorough workshops
intro and intermediate sessions

I run a range of 3-hour workshops across bookmaking, cyanotypes and printmaking. Over the years I have found that 3 hours is the right amount of time to really get in to something, explore it in some detail, and take away something fantastic at the end - without feeling overwhelmed or exhausted from the process. I run "intro to" workshops for complete beginners, as well as follow-on and intermediate sessions. They run on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays either in the morning or afternoon. Workshops in my cabin are limited to 5 spaces for those who would like smaller group working, and up to 12 spaces for workshops in other locations (such as Sunny Bank Mills).

a mid-week social for creative types
time to unwind and switch off

Zine Club takes place on the first Wednesday of the month in the Short & Few Cabin between 7pm and 8.30pm. It is kind of workshop, kind of coffee evening, but mostly time and space to take a moment for yourself and do a bit of cutting and sticking. Each month we independently respond to a group theme and each create a zine, where you are encouraged to interpret and express the theme in your own way. There are no expectations to work in a particular way, no minimum ability, and you can come to any session(s) you like whenever you can make it. Although it is a social, booking is required to help me prepare materials and the studio space.

my mission is to

I am a big believer in learning by doing and making mistakes as a form of enquiry, an ethos which underpins my teaching. I love the buzz of seeing what people make when they are in their flow state and seeing where the process is taking them. I want to inspire people to develop a curiosity for what the arts can be about for them, and provide opportunities and learning experiences to get started and keep going.  

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